HEB 1 Off to barra

Off to Barra
              The bikes were all loaded, bags were packed, and everything was set. Tim had driven to bobs house from Aberdeen they had a few beers chatting about the days ahead and then decided sleep was a good idea. It was 2am when bob posted the first blog, but at 7 when the alarm went off for him it was straight out of bed and all systems go. Callum and Logan were got up and headed off to nursery with Joyce, Neil arrived and they got on the road. There was a wee bit rush hour traffic getting out the central belt but no issues at all. Our whatsapp groupchats confirmed all of our team were on target the polmont train with gary Ali and me left at 07:20, and rolled into Falkirk where guy was waiting with all the train tickets from Falkirk it was a quick change at queen street station in Glasgow in plenty time for the Oban connection, were in transit one way or the other. we left the rain in the central belt and as we headed west the sky's were brightening. happy to be off on our cycling adventure at last

      the train journey up the west coast is very scenic and Gary gave us a bit of a talk through his childhood fishing trips up that way and hills and lochs of his travels around the area as we had a beer, only Gary had brought cans with him two between four! I had to wait until ten until the train trolley could sell us a beer for the journey ahead, the train splits at Crianlarich so you need to be sure to be on the two front coaches, this was the bit we were most concerned about taking the bikes on the train we were glad the van had them all, we had a bit of banter with the old ticket collector, this turned out lucky for me as I nearly forgot my jacket! I was off the train and at the terminal chatting with the gang, when I realised I had left it and had to run back to the train that was thankfully still there but locked for cleaning he got my jacket for  me first disaster averted

      Bob Tim and Neil arrived in Oban and got the bikes unpacked from the van about 10 minutes before the rest of us arrived.

The sun was shining and there was only one thing to do once we were sorted, we said our thanks and goodbyes to Neil he was taking the hire van back down the road for us and we headed to the Corryvrecken Witherspoons pub is right next door to the ferry terminal so the bikes were parked, the beer kitty was sorted and the first full round of beers were ordered. The ferry soon came in and soon we would be boarding, but there was time for one more so another pint each was ordered. bob was marginally concerned about timescales after all the planning that had gone into this trip, he was keen to neck this beer and get in the queue. There was no rush but his concern caused some amusement amongst the crew.

We were first onto the ferry and were soon lashing the bikes down. The girl working on the deck was not impressed with some of the knots used by some of the ...so called climbers in the group, fortunately with her redoing everyone’s knots except bobs she even shook her head at Ali`s knots.

We secured prime seats on the observation deck and sat back relaxed for the crossing, this was enlivened half way over when a very large pod of dolphins started swimming towards the ferry, thus got everyone off their seats, well, apart from me who had decided to have a snooze after my fish and chips. The weather continued to improve, a couple of beers were required to cool us down it was so warm behind the glass on the ferry, it was however definitely less warm on deck and the north wind that is forecast for the next few day was certainly making itself felt, otherwise the further west we went the clouds were becoming less.

 it was relatively warm by the time we reached Castlebay on Barra. The four and a half hour ferry was all too quickly over 
 we were off the ferry and found our bunkhouse for the night, Gary and Ali were in a hut in the garden while the other four of us shared a family room two bunks and a double bed a quick shower and we were soon out in the Castlebay hotel bar having quick beer before a superb curry in the Kimasul cafe, a highly recommended place and now we know why, good beer and great food, though a few more scallops in the scallop pakora would have been appreciated.

              The first night on Barra degenerated a little after having left the pub early enough. It was decided to head back to bunkhouse and have a nightcap then head to bed at a reasonable time to be fresh for cycling. There was a braw fire warming the sitting room and we made ourselves comfortable. Guy had taken the sensible option and went straight to bed so 5 glasses were acquired from the kitchen and my bottle of Shakelton whisky was opened. The first nightcap was had all too quickly so the bottle wasn't put away, I decided it would be a great idea to just tan the bottle that way I wouldn’t need to be carrying the weight of this bottle in my panniers, the bottle was duly passed around again, and then again till it was finished. This did however ensure a good night sleep.


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